Slamming SEO Professionals
One thing I just saw on the internet was about SEO professionals slamming other SEO pro's. One thing SEO Metro will never engage in personal slamming nor slamming professionals. Now, we may slam techniques and what is being said, however, we will not point to the source but will make vague comments; nothing that could be directly pointed at a particular event or article per se. The owner of SEO Metro has graduate, professional credentials and does need to engage in practices of slamming individuals, however, SEO techniques that are bad are up to endless slamming.
SEO Methods
I keep seeing gawd awful SEO claims, ads, techniques, worthless duplicate articles that should have stopped long ago. These SEO Pro's claim to be Professional, however, their techniques and methods stand alone as solid proof. Another claim particular SEO Pro's use is to proclaim they use "ethical" methods while either lying through their teeth OR ignorant of sound SEO techniques and methods while all the time spamming the search engine with their very own SEO website. Is there no shame? No. These people have never stated their supposed credentials on their websites if they even have any.
SEO Credentials
What is quite disturbing in this online wild frontier is that professionals are not posting any professional credentials. I see tons of supposed testimonials, tons of boasting about anonymous clients and making the millions of dollars in ROI thanks to the SEO work but no proof.
Need I say more.