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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Will New Report Slam Paid Search Ads?

Holy smokes, could a new report being leaked by the New York Post prove unsatisfactorily for Paid Search Ads? ISM, Internet Search Management is expected to release the paid search ads audit this week. The big attention that was directed toward eBay's decision to withdraw their paid ads from Google has made some companies rethink. The really big deal, however, over eBay withdrawing from Google is that they, eBay, lost little in revenue.

The leaked report further states that companies are not marketing their sites with much effort nor or they utilizing search engine optimization to increase traffic.

Texas SEO Metro understands it needs to educate clients about natural, organic search versus paid search ads. Paid search ads disappear when the budget is out. Organic searches and online marketing stays, regardless of the present budget. This may be the "tipping scale" where search engine optimization over powers paid search.

Our client, Dallas Computer Repair, has seen an enormous growth in online traffic and a huge boost in computer repairs after Search Engine Optimization and online marketing.

Monday, June 25, 2007

ICANN Considers New Domain Suffixes

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is considering new domain suffixes that even include the possibility of non-English characters, according to a report by Yahoo. Paul Twomey, ICANN's chief executive expects a policy report or two to be presented before consideration will be taken. Proponents say that even though they are non-English speaking they must enter English characters into suffixes to access the internet.

SEO Metro may be partial as we are primarily English speaking but here is the bottomline: the majority of the internet is English speaking as is the business world. Why compromise a universal internet language and World Language, regardless if it is English.

Several questions are being poised at the ICANN Puerto Rico Conference:
  1. Who will get the new names, China, Korea, etc.
  2. Will non-English scripts disrupt emails and the ability to surf the internet.
  3. Discussion on adding addition English suffixes, the third discussion of its kind and first since the creation of the suffixes.
  4. Applicants would go through a review phase where anyone could protest due to racial conflicts, trademark conflicts, etc.
  5. If no objections are raised then the suffix would be approve within three months while objections to a suffix would put the proposed suffix under further review.
If internet users have the ability to access computers, configure computers to access the internet, then they have the ability to speak the world language: English

ICANN: Keep the internet English Speaking, the universal language.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dell to Manufacture Google Search Appliance

According to a post in the Google Enterprise Blog Dell will start manufacturing Google's Search Appliance. Currently the Mini Google Appliance sells for $1,995.00 and searches up to 50,000 documents. Additional versions will search up to 100,000, 200,000 and 300,000 documents. Dell may be able to bring the price down as it has shown that it can compete in the hardware business as a top leader with affordable solutions.

Saturday, June 23, 2007 on the Auction Block is on the auction block according to a report on SEO Metro. The auction for the website is expected to go for an estimated $300 to $400 million dollars. The domain was originally purchased in 1999 for a reported $7.5 million and was laughed at by online professionals. The website serves as a powerful webdirectory who charges to be listed.

Looks like the site is going to be laughing all the way to the bank when the auction is over. Several high profile businesses are reputed to be vying for the domain.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Web Targeted has moved its site to with the purchase of the domain for a whopping, reported $5 million. Web Targeted says that it will get a new logo, build a new site and have lots of SEO resources and tools along with articles and insights into the industry.

That is just a little more than paid for its domain; but hey, ours is paid for, no debt, no borrowers fees or interest.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

SEMPO's SEO Certification

Well, the first graduate of the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) has graduated and now the big fanfare as reported on DMNews. SEO Metro is just a little curious about this certification and poses a few questions not to be disrespectful or demeaning just some brutally honest questions from someone who holds advanced college degrees that are recognized world-wide. I am not trying to be arrogant here nor want to like some snob but some type of standards need to be met if SEMPO is wanting to use this as an industry standard.

  1. What body of professionals are backing this SEO certification besides SEMPO?
  2. What are the teachers credentials within the SEO community and within the educational community both as mutually exclusive credentials?
  3. If the Board of Directors from SEMPO are standing behind this, what is their educational level outside of SEO and within SEO?
  4. Where did the educational material come from?
  5. Where did the testing material come from?
  6. What empirical evidence is presented to back the material?
  7. What statistical knowledge is expected in completing the SEO certification?
  8. Does the certification use software to conduct search engine optimization or is the optimization completed by theory.
  9. Is the test readily available?
  10. Do I have to pay for the educational unit or can I just take the test?
I will no doubt revise this post.......Gregory R. Roberts M.S.S.W.

Friday, June 15, 2007

SEO Metro's New Logo

SEO Metro has a new logo that reflects a global image of the company and simply the company name beneath it. The logo reflects the search engine optimization company in that many times a simple approach is more to the point than complicated avenues that often must be supported in multiple, dynamic problem solving. The earth colors reflect the companies down to earth approach and labor that goes into working the land along with lots of labor and sometimes lots of tears if the desired results are not achieved as quick as one would like. The lettering is simply a bold arial that compliments the clean sleak logo design.

The logo has now been uploaded to

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Google Penalties- Nonsense

SEO Metro has grown tired of the misconception that Google penalizes websites. This has tirelessly been explored by Google's search engineers and explained yet those who claim to be in the know talk continuously about Google penalties. The term to be used is 'filtered' not 'penalized'. Sites will be filtered for different reasons: (1) new sites, because of "trust issues", (2) duplicate content, upon which the page(s) with duplicate content will not be indexed, (3) 'bad neighborhoods' are linking to the offending website, (4) webmasters who try and trick Google with different spam techniques, (5) over optimization, keyword stuffing, etc.

These 'so-called SEO experts' then tell webmasters they can resubmit their websites to Google. Bad move.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Google Wants More Foreign Workers

As reported by SEO Metro, Google's Executive, Laszlo Bock, the search giant's vice president of people operations.....testified before the US Congress that the company needs 'brilliant minds from all over the world'. Bock testified that Sergey Brin who made it to the United States when he was 6 y.o. as his parents fled the former Soviet Union grew up to become the cofounder of Google, according the

This all to place during the U.S. House Judiciary Oversight Committee meeting and the relationship of the business community on foreign workers and those on the status of H-1B workers. Bock testified that 8% of Google's employes hold H-1B visas and are responsible for the creation of Google News and Orkut. Also, interesting to note, 75% of these foreigners have degrees from the United States.

It's too bad that we in the United States are not brilliant enough for Google. I mean afterall, they, foreigners, created news and social networking for Google.


Yahoo Shareholders Asked to Not Vote for Board Members Re-election

Yahoo's shareholders have been asked by two independent proxy advisory firms to not vote for three board members that were responsible for the $71 Million compensation package to CEO Terry Semel after the company had a 60 percent decrease in net income, slow revenue growth and a 35% drop in stock price for 2006.

Doesn't this go with all CEOs and their lucrative packages despite performance? Just typical...can he alone really be responsible for his companies poor performance? It's just the economy...right?

Pitiful, be the shareholders may say something different. 35% stock price decline....?!?!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Yahoo Algorithm Update

Yahoo announced that it's search engine is going through an algorithm update and many commentors appear to not be so happy about it. Yahoo's update still has not listed SEO Metro as it appears to still be filtered as a new site.

This new update does not see much search engine rank pages differ from the other Yahoo Weather Update that was supposed to help filter out spam results.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Google Filters Appear Lifted

Finally, SEO Metro has gained position on Google for "Texas SEO" on the third page in 24th postion. SEO Metro is now 9 weeks at birth with over 120 one-way inbound links from Yahoo, Altavista and Alltheweb. The company is starting to make headway but have yet to begin the Dallas SEO keywords.

  1. SEO Metro is in 4th postion for "Texas SEO" and 11th postion for "Texas Search Engine Optimization" on MSN Live Search.
  2. SEO Metro is not on the first 5 Search Engine Rank Pages(SERP) for Altavista
  3. SEO Metro is not on the first 5 SERP pages for Alltheweb
  4. SEO Metro is not on the first 5 SERP pages for Yahoo

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Google Rankings Analyzed by German Company

Sistrix, a German SEO company recently analyzed top Google-ranking websites and published their results.

  1. Key words in the title tag are important along with keywords in the body.
  2. Key words in the H1 title do not appear to be important although important in the H2-H6 titles.
  3. Keywords in bold or italicized had some positive effect, along with keywords in the image files and alt images.
  4. Domain names with targeted keywords often had an advantage that may be due to inbound links with the domain name as the link text.
  5. Sistrix found that keywords in the file name appeared to have no positive effects but file names with the least amount or no parameters ranked higher than those pages with many file parameters.
  6. The file size has no effect, however, it was noted that smaller sites have a slight advantage over large sites.
  7. Inbound links had definite positive effects and that pages on the top results of the first page rank results were more likely to have 4 times the amount of inbound links with web sites on the second rank result pages.