Sistrix, a German SEO company recently analyzed top Google-ranking websites and published their results.
- Key words in the title tag are important along with keywords in the body.
- Key words in the H1 title do not appear to be important although important in the H2-H6 titles.
- Keywords in bold or italicized had some positive effect, along with keywords in the image files and alt images.
- Domain names with targeted keywords often had an advantage that may be due to inbound links with the domain name as the link text.
- Sistrix found that keywords in the file name appeared to have no positive effects but file names with the least amount or no parameters ranked higher than those pages with many file parameters.
- The file size has no effect, however, it was noted that smaller sites have a slight advantage over large sites.
- Inbound links had definite positive effects and that pages on the top results of the first page rank results were more likely to have 4 times the amount of inbound links with web sites on the second rank result pages.