Well it seems like some over-zealous individual or company has purchased a similar domain name to our search engine optimization company, SEO-Metro, in the hopes of selling it to us (bribery) or to another unsuspecting individual or company for profit; the domain name is the same name, seo-metro.com without the hyphen.
The individual or company who we, SEO Metro, will research to discover the domain purchaser's identity, will be fully documented and sent a legal notice that any attempt to undermine or take from our company identity and to employ another individual or company to our demise will be considered felony conspiracy by SEO Metro and reported to the F.B.I.
SEO-Metro will not be intimidated nor coerced by a bunch of online thugs or thug attempts at intimidation by those who lack talent but have to succeed by bullying.
The individual or company who we, SEO Metro, will research to discover the domain purchaser's identity, will be fully documented and sent a legal notice that any attempt to undermine or take from our company identity and to employ another individual or company to our demise will be considered felony conspiracy by SEO Metro and reported to the F.B.I.
SEO-Metro will not be intimidated nor coerced by a bunch of online thugs or thug attempts at intimidation by those who lack talent but have to succeed by bullying.