Forbes has written about online sabateurs who may bring unfavorable search engine results to websites. The article talks about specific companies that are focused upon 'rubbing out' negative comments about companies to taking the competition down from the search results by different techniques and tactics called "negative seo" or "negative search engine optimization". Particular companies are engaged in sabotaging competing websites by spamming search engines with negative text links.
Setting up a competitor with negative link spamming is called "Google Bowling" although Matt Cutts with Google says he would prefer to call it "search engine bowling" with Mr. Cutts further stating that Google's algorithms are constructed to protect against negative link spamming.
SEO Metro is not interested in contracting for negative SEO campaigns.
Setting up a competitor with negative link spamming is called "Google Bowling" although Matt Cutts with Google says he would prefer to call it "search engine bowling" with Mr. Cutts further stating that Google's algorithms are constructed to protect against negative link spamming.
SEO Metro is not interested in contracting for negative SEO campaigns.