SEO Metro has been amuzed about the story of the CalTech student who developed an unofficial Widipedia tool that can detect which IP addresses edit Wikipedia. The Wiki story about edit tracing talks about high profile government agencies and corporations who come into Wikipedia to edit any negative comments that arise about the entity they represent. It appears these high profile corporations have people hired just to perform 'online damage control'.
Curiously, do these editors have SEO titles or maybe more appropriately Public Relations titles within a Search Engine Optimization department? Obviously, they are there not just to perform damage control with readers but to accomplish damage control with search engines.
Agencies noted for such behavior include Diebold (voting machine manufacturer), Scientology, Dow, ExxonMobil and Disney among the top spinsters.
Curiously, do these editors have SEO titles or maybe more appropriately Public Relations titles within a Search Engine Optimization department? Obviously, they are there not just to perform damage control with readers but to accomplish damage control with search engines.
Agencies noted for such behavior include Diebold (voting machine manufacturer), Scientology, Dow, ExxonMobil and Disney among the top spinsters.